The SINBIOS platform offers biology and health units in the Lille area its expertise in scientific data management. On the one hand, it designs and operates software and hardware solutions to improve the acquisition, storage, sharing, use and protection of scientific data. Secondly, software integration to address research data processing and analysis issues. The platform's engineers can assist you with collaborative working and data management issues in your research projects (study, design, production start-up, maintenance). We are open to all types of collaboration, whether academic or industrial.


The services


Data management

Nous disposons d'une grande expertise dans la gestion des données de recherche, que ce soit d'un point de vue technique ou organisationnel.

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Collaborative working solution

We offer a fully customisable office suite that will facilitate collaborative working within your research projects.

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Software integration

We have expertise in systems, networks and virtualisation, so we can integrate software suites for your research activities.

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We can advise you on choosing the IT solution best suited to your research project.

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We can train your teams to install and configure scientific software on Linux systems

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We can help you with the technical and organisational aspects of strengthening the security of your research data.

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The Team




CNRS - System and network engineer



CNRS - Information systems manager



CNRS - IT technical support officer



CNRS - Systems analyst

Software integration



OMERO is a client-server software solution for viewing, managing and analysing microscopy images and associated metadata. Over 140 image file formats are supported, including all major commercial microscope formats. It is a full-web solution, with sharing and viewing capabilities that meet the requirements of data management plans. We deployed this platform in 2021 for the BioImaging Center Lille (BICeL). The solution currently hosts several thousand images.

Content collaboration platform


ONLYOFFICE + Nextcloud

OnlyOffice is an online collaborative suite for producing, modifying and sharing office documents compatible with the Microsoft files formats. All documents are stored on a secure space managed by us. We have integrated this suite with the NextCloud file-sharing solution to offer project sponsors a turnkey solution for managing their research project data. It gives all project collaborators easy access to data. It's a tailor-made solution that we develop for your unique use, in line with your needs. Translated with (free version)

Software integration


Huygens Core

Huygens Core is an image processing software suite designed for the restoration, visualisation and analysis of microscopic images. Through a web interface, Huygens Core is able to deconvolve a wide variety of images ranging from 2D wide-field images to 4D multi-photon multi-channel confocal time series images. SINBIOS has integrated this software suite for the BioImaging Center Lille (BICeL). We have also deployed the Remote Manager module, interconnected to the platform's OMERO server, to enable users to process images in batches simply from their Web browser.

Research data management


Storage, share and backup

We manage the research data of several teams in the region. We guarantee the availability, accessibility, integrity and security of this data. We work in partnership with regional players to benefit from high-performance technical infrastructures. We offer two types of service. A storage service for hot data from scientific equipment, for which we can build specific architectures. And a storage service for cold data, for longer-term conservation purposes. The distinguishing feature of this service is that we offer data accessibility, in terms of protocol and security, tailored to users' needs.

Software integration


Digital Slide Archive

DSA DSA is a web-based platform for the analysis, visualisation, management and annotation of digital pathology imaging data on whole slides. It enables large imaging data sets to be stored, managed, visualised and annotated. Using advanced containerisation technologies, the platform consists of an analysis toolkit (HistomicsTK), an interface for viewing slides and managing annotations (HistomicsUI), a database layer (using Mongo) and a web server that provides a rich API and data management tools (using Girder). We integrated this platform as part of a collaboration with Lille University Hospital.